Joint Replacement Conditions

Joint Replacement Program

A joint replacement involves replacing joint components with hardware called prosthesis made of plastic, metal, ceramic, or a combination of these materials and allow the limb to move more effectively without pain, stiffness, or limitations.

You can speak about Joint Replacement Conditions with our specialists:

Neurological Conditions

Neurological Conditions

Neurological Physical Therapy involves a specialized comprehensive evaluation and treatment of individuals with movement problems stemming from disease or injury of the nervous system. Our doctors at PhysicalOne treat many common neurological disorders with care.

You can speak about Neurological Conditions with our specialists:

Cardiac Conditions

Cardiac Condition

At PhysicalOne, our Doctors of Physical Therapy take on all-hearts-on-deck approach to your cardiac rehabilitation by working caringly with your physician to address your cardiovascular health and create an individualized, effective, and safe cardiovascular training.

You can speak about Cardiac Conditions with our specialists:

Post Surgical Conditions

Post Surgical Conditions

Rehabilitation involves post-surgically re-establishing the functional outcome of joint motion and muscle strength around the joint for the best possible return to optimal function It is especially important to understand that rehabilitation is lengthy.

You can speak about Post Surgical Conditions with our specialists:

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