Neurological Rehabilitation Program

At PhysicalOne, we take the complexity out of treating conditions and disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. We know how confusing learning about the delicate nervous system can be, which is why we offer the following neurological physical therapy interventions in ways that empower and educate our clients:

  1. Restore range of motion
  2. Improve functional movement and strength
  3. Gait Training
  4. Postural re-alignment
  5. Improve safety of transfers and mobility
  6. Balance re-training and decrease risk of fall
  7. Core stabilization
  8. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) performance
  9. Visual Perceptual Skill retraining
  10. Cardiovascular endurance
  11. Improve motor planning and motor control
  12. Decrease spasticity / increase tone
  13. Prosthesis/orthoses training
  14. Equipment evaluation/recommendation to include wheelchairs, cane, walkers, or additional equipment such as shower bars.

Your neurological rehabilitation interventions will depend on your individual medical and surgical history and neurological condition. Our team will work closely with your physician to develop a safe plan for you and your family that can be continued from the comfort of your home.

You can speak about Neurological Rehabilitation Program with our specialists:

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