Cardiac Conditions

At PhysicalOne, our Doctors of Physical Therapy take an all-hearts-on-deck approach to your cardiac rehabilitation. By working caringly with your physician to assess your cardiovascular health, we create an individualized and safe cardiovascular training to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Benefits of Cardiovascular training: 

  • Improve circulation and promote healing of injured areas 
  • Burn fat and reduce blood sugar 
  • Reduce blood pressure 
  • Build muscles by performing aerobic and anaerobic training 
  • Reduce fatigue and improve endurance 
  • Release endorphins and reduce pain 

You will learn how to safely: 

  • Warm-up: to gradually rev up your cardiovascular system and increase blood flow to your muscles.  
  • Condition: to follow safe individual training at your own pace and develop your aerobic capacity by increasing your heart rate, depth of breathing and muscle endurance.  
  • Cool-down: to stretch and relax after your workout and allow your heart rate and muscles to return to normal. 

Your cardiac rehabilitation training plan will depend on your individual medical and surgical history. Our therapists will customize the safest rehabilitation possible based on your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. And you’ll go home knowing what you need to continue your recovery at home.

You can speak about Cardiac Conditions with our specialists:

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